Taylor, MI City
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Taylor, MI City
City Council
Meeting Time: April 07, 2020 at 6:30pm EDT
Closed for Comment April 07, 2020 at 6:30pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
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15) Motion to approve Additional Service Request #4 from NSA Architects for changes in the amount of $5,400. Funds provided from TBA Capital Outlay.
16) Motion to approve Truck and Trailer Specialist Low bidder for the purchase of a Hydraulic Gravel Shoulder Tailgate Conveyor for the amount of $6,998. Funds provided from DPW Equipment Account.
17) Motion to approve Al's Asphalt to preform Major Road repairs at Wick from Pelham to Mortenview and Mortenview from Wick to Goddard for the amount of $850,000. Funds provided Major Road Account.
18) Motion to approve Dell EMC, sole source, for purchase of upgraded memory for the City wide servers for an amount not to exceed $11,448. Funded through General Fund IT Equipment Account.
19) Motion to approve North American Systems International, low quote, for the purchase of New Load Balancer and support for 3 years for an amount not to exceed $4,320. Funded through General Fund IT Contractual Services.
20) Motion to approve AmeriNet of Michigan Inc, low quote, for firewall support renewal for an amount not to exceed $4,970. Funded through IT Contractual Services.
21) Motion to approve Integration Partners, low quote, for support renewal for IT switches for an amount not to exceed $6,136. Funded through General Fund IT Contractual Services.
22) Motion to amend City Council resolution 1.22-20 to authorize the Mayor to sign a Purchase Agreement on behalf of the City of Taylor for the sale of Parcel ID 60-014-01-0058-301, proceeds go to the General Fund.
23) Motion to approve change order for Ciber Global LLC related to the Citywide ERP System in an amount not to exceed $61,000. Funded through the attached schedule.
24) Motion to approve the golf rates for Lakes of Taylor and Taylor Meadows Golf Club for the 2020 season.
25) Motion to approve Community Publishing & Marketing for publication and mailing of the Taylor Today and the Taylor Events magazine for a second one year (1) term, with a one year (1) option to extend, this is a three year package that began in 2019. Terms remain the same: $4,000 per issue and $30,100 annually.
26) Motion to approve Ocean Inc. low quote, to provide (8) laptops for City Council, in the about not to exceed $5407. Also to include Microsoft Office Suite on (3) three laptops for Chairman, Chair Pro-Tem and Council Executive Assistant for a cost not to exceed $660 and to approve budget amendment #2020-014.
27) Open Business.
28) Motion to approve adjournment.
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